Take good care of your shoes and your wardrobe. This water resistant felt insert will protect them both wether you are storing your outdoor boots or fancy high heals.
Frame, width: 75 cm
Depth: 30.0 cm
Height: 7.8 cm
Frame, depth: 35 cm
Fits KOMPLEMENT pull-out tray, 75 cm wide. Use 1 insert for 35 cm deep trays and 2 inserts for 58 deep trays.
Fits only PAX wardrobe frame 75x35 cm, see “Product size” for all exact product dimensions.
Additional information
The shoe insert holds 3 pairs of shoes.
The felt is water resistant and will withstand most of the dirt and moist that outdoor shoes might bring inside. Just wipe it off with a clean cloth.
Use one insert in a 35 cm deep wardrobe frame, or two if you have a 58 cm deep frame. It's easy to place one in front of the other.
50% of the material in this insert comes from recycled PET bottles. And at the end of its life, the entire product can be recycled into something new.